Faith in the Impossible
"And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any, came behind [Jesus], and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched." (Luke 8:43-44)
When I read this passage, I see the impossible situation this woman was in. For twelve years she suffered with an affliction that wasted her money and wore on her heart. I don't know how old this woman was, but twelve years is a long time to go through any type of suffering. No one could heal her. No one could help her. She had no answers to the affliction she faced every. single. day.
A time of suffering can be one of the loneliest places any individual can be. Have you gone through a period of suffering or waiting on God for answers and all it seemed you received from Him was silence? A time where there was no apparent answer to your cry? This woman was alone. She had no hope of ever being healed, but she did have one hope - Jesus!
When she heard of Jesus, she knew there was finally hope for her healing. She said, "If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole." (Mark 5:28)
Her faith really wows me! She thought if she could just touch a piece of cloth that Jesus was wearing she would be made whole. Whole! Complete! This woman believed she would be cured from her disease with one touch. She didn't just hope for a less painful or somewhat normal life after this, she went for it all. She believed complete healing could be accomplished that day, and she walked away a changed person.
This makes me think of my own faith. When I come to God, do I come expecting that He can do "exeeding abundantly above all that [I] ask or think?" (Ephesians 3:20) This woman did. When I come halfheartedly to Christ, I wonder if I get less than He intended for me to have because of a lack of faith? What if this woman came that day and only expected Jesus to give her answers to her questions instead of full restoration? Would she have been completely healed, or would she merely have gotten answers to the "whys" of her affliction?
You see, the "whys" of our suffering aren't important. I don't deny that hardships come with a U-haul full of such questions, but even if we received the answers to all our questions would that really make us whole? Would we really finally be healed if we had the answers? No, we wouldn't. This is where faith and trust have to be a reality in our hearts and not just words on our lips.
Jesus wants us to be fully healed and fully loved in His presence.
He also wants to acknowledge us. When the woman with the issue of blood touched Him in the midst of a crowded street, He took the time to stop and recognize an overlooked sufferer. Christ does see our suffering and pain, and He is full of compassion for us! He isn't going to let you pass by without acknowledging your pain. Without loving you. Whatever you are going through or have been through, God is right there, and He is full of compassion and love for you in your suffering.
He said to her, "Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague." (Mark 5:34)
He calls her "daughter." What an endearing term, and how comforting for this woman to hear! We are deeply loved by our Heavenly Father, and as His children we can be secure in that love. He also said that it was her faith that healed her. Is there something in your life that requires faith to heal? If so, are you asking in faith that God is able to bring restoration? Now, He may not always fix what we deem to be broken because He is more concerned with our character than our comfort. And sometimes a thorn in the flesh is more needful for us than release from all our pain. But even if all our trials aren't taken away, praying in faith is pleasing to God. It builds character in us and enhances our trust in Him.
I am challenged by this woman's faith, and I hope you are too! Faith isn't easy, but it is a necessary part of our Christian walk. Have faith that God can do the impossible, even if the impossible is a changed outlook instead of changed circumstances. Because faith in Jesus will make you whole and complete.
And it all starts in the heart.
"But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." (Hebrews 11:6)
~ Tiffany ~
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