Empty net, Full net
"Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a fishing. They say unto him, We also go with thee. They went forth, and entered into a ship immediately; and that night they caught nothing. But when the morning was now come, Jesus stood on the shore: but the disciples knew not that it was Jesus. Then Jesus saith unto them, Children, have ye any meat? They answered him, No. And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes." (John 21:3-6)
There are so many lessons to learn from just this short passage! I love that at different times of life I can come to the same passages of Scripture and come away with a new application or see it in a different light.
The first thing I notice here is that these experienced fishermen were laboring all night long and didn't catch one stinkin' fish! Their livelihood before meeting Jesus was fishing. They knew how to do it. They used to be good at it. So why didn't they catch any fish that night? Could it be that they were supposed to be doing something else? Fishing for men instead of returning to their former way of life? Notice that when Christ comes on the scene and gives them a suggestion on their craft, things start to happen. They do as He says and for the first time in many hours they are successful in their venture! When Christ is with us, we will be successful. There are many times when I try to do things in my own strength and, just like the disciples, I fail at my attempts.
I try to be a better person, but on my own I am the worst I can be.
I try to be more patient with people and circumstances, but on my own I am the most impatient person there is.
I try to spend more time with God, but on my own I turn away from Him.
I try to love others, but on my own I am most certainly not loving.
Here's the "catch" - on our own we will never be able to accomplish what God has planned for our lives. We will never be successful. It may look like things are going okay at first, but that temporary fix or that temporary good will not last. Only when we let Christ's power work through us will we have victory.
The second thing I notice in this passage is the way the disciples responded to what Jesus told them to do. Remember, they didn't know it was Jesus at first - they didn't realize it was Him until their nets were full. Picture this: seven men in a cramped fishing boat tossing their net overboard countless times and pulling it up empty each time. All night long. Tossing the net over. Bringing it up empty.
Experienced fishermen failing at their livelihood. Talk about hurt pride!
Then some random guy standing on the shore yells out to them telling them how to do their job. He says, "Cast the net on the right side of the ship." It's not like they had been neglecting that side of the ship as they fished. I'm sure they tried it all. Right side, left side, front side, back side. They were on that boat tossing the net overboard all night. If I were in the boat that morning, I just might have flipped at the beach guy! There would have been more than an eye roll I can tell you that for sure! But the Bible doesn't say they were angry or upset. It simply says they did as the man said and tried throwing their net out on the right side of the ship. No eye rolls. No face palms. No bickering. None nada zilch. They accepted the humbling suggestion graciously. They didn't let pride get in the way and ruin the miracle.
I wonder how many times I have missed out on a blessing or miracle of my own because of my pride? Have there been good things waiting for me from God that I couldn't receive because I wasn't willing to respond humbly?
Are there any situations in your life where you are tempted to respond with a prideful heart? "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall." (Proverbs 16:18)
God hates pride, and when His children respond in pride it shows our selfish nature and motivations. Proverbs lists seven things that God hates and are an abomination to Him, and guess what is listed first? You got it! Pride. (Proverbs 6:16)
Take some time today to pray and ask for God's help so that you don't try to do things in your own strength. Ask Him to show you any prideful spirit you may have in your heart that you may not realize, and ask Him to help you be humble in that area. Now, go about your day with joy that Christ is with you and that He has the power to do great and mighty things!
~ Tiffany ~
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